Monday, November 18, 2019

Definition and Types of Research Methods

1. Understanding Research Methods
Research is a process of finding the truth of a phenomenon or fact that occurs in a structured and systematic way.

This process is usually carried out by scientists or experts who deal with the matter to be searched for truth.

For example there is a study that will find facts about the missing cultural elements in Indonesia. So the ones doing the research are cultural experts or people who really understand culture.

So, simply, the meaning of research is an attempt to find a phenomenon in a systematic sequence.

2. Types of Research
There are various kinds of research methods commonly used in a study, starting from:

Qualitative research methods
Quantitative research methods
Survey research methods
Descriptive research method
The Facto Exposure research method
However, of the several types of research methods above, there are two that are often used, namely qualitative and quantitative research methods.

3. Definition of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods:
Qualitative research is a research method that focuses on understanding social phenomena that occur in society. In this research method, researchers use the perspective of the participants as the preferred image in obtaining research results.

Quantitative Research Methods:
Quantitative research is a systematic method of research and uses mathematical models. The theories used and the proposed hypotheses are also usually related to natural phenomena. The following are some differences between qualitative and quantitative research.

4. The Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative research methods use design in general, while quantitative research methods use clearer and more specific designs.
Qualitative research methods, using research techniques in the form of observation, experiments or also with open interviews. While quantitative research methods are carried out by tests, tests and also structured interviews.
Qualitative research methods obtain data in the form of a description of the opinions of respondents or the results of field notes. While quantitative methods obtain data in the form of numbers, scales and graphs that can be calculated.